/ BENEFIT from the support of a technical expert from the manufacturer to define the best approach for achieving your industrial filtration objectives
/ BENEFIT from comprehensive filtration expertise to size a new filtration unit or improve an existing process using Büchner tests.
/ OBTAIN an economic assessment of your filtration unit stage.
/ BENEFIT from HASLER Group’s ISO 9001-certified industrial performance guarantee
/ Maintenance, production or laboratory managers and technicians
/ Process engineers and R&D specialists (operators, investors or EPC contractors)
/ Project managers (operators or EPC contractors)
/ Choice of filter medium
/ Filterability of the pulp
/ Type of washing: direct or backwash
/ Acquisition of filtration data:
Definition of customer requirements
Gathering of information
Test protocol proposal
And/or pilot tests
Capitalising on results: proposal for a finalised technical solution with presentation of report & questions/answers
1. Determine the optimal filtration parameters according to your expectations and priorities (% of humidity, production rate, % of solids in filtrates, etc.).
Examples of parameters that can be defined for these tests:
/ Filter cake moisture content
/ Concentration of solids in filtrates
/ Process temperatures: paste, wash
/ Quantity of water used for washing: washing ratio
/ Chemical concentration of products in the filter cake or filtrates
/ Use of chemical agents: flocculants, surfactants
2. Obtain recommendations to define the industrial equipment that will guarantee your results from filtration experts and an ISO 9001-certified laboratory.
/ Filtres PHILIPPE : vacuum belt filter
/ Filtres VERNAY : rotary vacuum drum filter
/ Filtres AOUSTIN : table vacuum filter